Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Beckie the Vigilant

My niece (and God-daughter) in Queensland emailed me in the wee hours to say, "Was awaiting patiently for my nightly giggle, and no blog today???"

How great that someone noticed!

I actually climbed into bed last night after several hours of putting little black dots on an alphabetical list of books, using a master list of books alphabetised by author. The hope is to indicate to the parents, teachers and students at my school which of the NSW Premier's Reading Challenge books are in the collection of our school library. It was a bit of a mind-numbing task (and only half-finished before I was falling asleep over the lists) so that, as soon as I was horizontal and under the doona, I remembered I'd left the day blogless, but was too comfy to beat the curse of midnight.

Eeek! The end of my dream run. Unless I can work out how to change the date on the Blogspot management panel.

Mind you, now I know at least one person noticed I'd missed Monday's entry. So, in a way, that's good. (Also, you'll notice I did two entries on Sunday.)

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